Friday, March 15, 2013

Off Center. Week 11 - 52

Feels like my universe has been a little off center this week so this was a good theme to work on.  Right now my face is a little off center thanks to a fight with a brick step (brick won) in the pouring rain.  But I did learn two important lessons this week.  The first is don't run in the rain even if you are running late.  The second is that if you ever find yourself in the ER and the nurse asks "do you want plastics?" that she is referring to a plastic surgeon and your answer should be yes.  Unfortunately the surgeon only worked on the gash and didn't throw in any extra free work.  Shame.  Don't worry, I am fine but I've been milking this for all the attention I can possibly get and my friends have not let me down.  It's almost worth slipping in the rain.  Almost.  This is a little craft that Annabelle made at daycare.  She is ever so proud of it.


Lois said...

Hope you are feeling better after the nasty fall. Annabelle's bee is adorable . . . and well photographed off center.

Anonymous said...

Oh nooooo...nothing like getting up close and personal w/ bricks. Glad you are on the mend! I think you have an up and coming artist on your hands! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope the scarring won't be too bad, meanwhile you can always smile when you look at this fabulous piece of artwork.

TonyW said...

Glad you recovered and that's nicely off-center - or for me off-centre ...

gemma said...

Now that the swelling has gone down and I no longer resemble an alien... I feel much better! Thanks

gemma said...

Tony W - I am so mortified.... I am English (but live in the US) and when I saw your comment I thought - uh oh I have been living here too long I must have slipped. But then I re-read my post and I spelled centre incorrectly multiple times. Clearly it was a bigger bump to my head than I realised!

Jossiemou said...

hopefully you got lotsa sympathy from parents too!! luv A's artwork think she is going Charlotte's way!

Judi Clark said...

I'm a month late on my sympathy... so hope you are completely better now. I love the way you set this one off-center... perfect for the quirkiness of the creation.