Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ordinary. Week 47-52

I found this theme so hard because when you really think about it even the ordinary things can be extraordinary.  We went for an ordinary hike in a nearby preserve.  The trees and leaves were extraordinary.

Chopped up wood seems ordinary but it is wood from a tree that an extraordinary storm (sandy) brought down.

And sometimes you wish your three year old would be a little more ordinary... here is her extraordinary outfit for our aforementioned hike... some battles are not worth fighting

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Old. Week 46-52.

My maternal grandmother had a very busy social life... this was her calendar of events 66 years ago. I wonder how she would have taken to a smart phone.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Vision. Week 45-52

A few weeks ago some dear friends asked me if I could, gulp, take some pictures of their newborn.  Since both sides of their family are huge Cardinals fans I had this vision of getting some baseballs in the background of the shot.  But I had never imagined that this little baby would be so tiny... he truly was a vision to behold in his dad's baseball mitt.  

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wide Angle. Week 44-52

Is it just me or do the remaining themes on the list look impossible?  Or maybe I just did all the ones I found inspiring too early.  Either way I am at a loss.
So I am just covering the main points of the weekend.... leaves and a kitten.  One of the pics isn't even wide angle...
So here goes: raking leaves, blowing leaves, jumping in leaves.... repeat.

And here's the kitten...somehow we found ourselves with a new kitten this weekend. She's darling.