Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Home. Week 17 -52

Real estate in New York is not for the faint of heart.  Today I came across the birdhouse market - masses of houses (all rent-free) right outside my daughters school.    So many to choose from but each with their own issues..
 Too red.

 Too Thatched.
 Too decorated.
 Too bee-hivey
Too jail-like

I finally found where the birds chose to make their home...
This little one came out from where the straw is...

 This little guy came out of the gap/hole below him.  I guess home is where the heart is...


Lois said...

Must have been a difficult decision with all those choices around.

Anonymous said...

I have ran into that issue today while showing houses lol There is a home for every need! :) Love this huge variety!

Carrie said...

Absolutely love these!! I want to frame the one of the red bird house and hang it in my apt.

Ivor said...

I love photographing house sparrows. They are often overlooked as being mundane but they are so full of character and have really been hit by a decline in population. I didn't know you had them on your side of the pond. Fantastic bird box shots too. I really enjoyed this post. Thank-you!