I just finished project 366: taking a photo a day, every day, for 366 days. Thought I would be relieved to be done. Turns out I can't stop clicking.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Once in a While. Week 6-52
Once in a while it gets so cold that the leaves cry frozen tears, the branches on the maple tree freeze up completely and I feel like I am losing my mind....I am not used to this.
The frozen tears and ice crusted branches make lovely images.
Ice storms are vicious but compensate at least to some degree with the stunning beauty you have captured.
I can feel their tears...even though they are frozen! :) These are all gorgeous...ice really sucks, but man does it make for wonderful images!
I agree with the others, ice is not my friend (unless its in a drink) but it makes wonderful photos
Sorry your plants have tears but Happy you saw the beauty in the moment!
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