Saturday, March 2, 2013

A tree grows in Brooklyn

I enjoyed a girls night out in the city last night.  Then I stayed over at a friends house in Brooklyn.  A sensible person would have relished a morning sleeping late and not having to entertain toddlers.  But a camera obsessed fool, such as myself, decided that a walk around the neighbourhood, in spite of a headache, would obviously be the best possible way to spend a few kid-free hours.  This little tree grows right outside their front steps.  I love the hanging lantern.  

I headed over to the Barclays center and passed by the subway.  In the bright sunshine the train numbers looked so fun and colourful.

The architecture of the Barclays center was actually pretty unique and I loved the reflections in the glass panels of the main entrance

Of course nothing says New York City quite like the iron grates in the sidewalk, old chewing gum stains and a bit of trash... that just happened to have NYC printed on it.

This is a community garden that I passed.  I love the vibrant sign.  The garden itself looked pretty sad but hopefully things will turn around in the spring.

Brooklyn is full of contrasts... on one side of the street was this chain link fence with barbed wire and old plastic bags....

and across the street was the entrance to pretty brownstones.
A morning well spent!


Anonymous said...

There is nothing like a morning walk with the camera to get rid of a headache lol So glad you went on your walk, you got some fabulous pictures which are unique to that area...LOVE them all!

Lois said...

I enjoyed your photo walk around Brooklyn. Gorgeous photos.

Judi Clark said...

Love the vibrant colors! Top and bottom are my favorites ones.

Anonymous said...

Great series of shots, love the lantern and the red background of the building behind.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Love the way you've captured the spirit of Brooklyn. (I've lived there twice, once as a small child and once as a young adult.)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous city shots I would be hard pressed to choose a favorite.

Ivor said...

I never tire of seeing your pictures of New York, Gemma. These are smashing.

Jossiemou said...

I don't tire of your photos - lovely - you have such fun with that camera of yours. lol

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing views of the city...especially the last one of the brownstones.

gemma said...

Thanks everyone. Clearly I need to have more alone time to take shots that I enjoy!