Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

The squirrels decimated the chocolate eggs on the lawn... but thankfully there were some plastic eggs and hardboiled eggs that they left behind.  The squirrels had a very good easter this year.  And yes, the girls picked out their own outfits...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blue. Week 13-52

I try to keep my camera with me at all times because you just never know when inspiration might hit.  I was on my way home from a random work assignment and passed by a storage place.  It had the brightest blue doors, one after the other for about 200 metres.  Then all of a sudden there was a little flash of yellow.  I stopped the car, asked the owner if I could take pictures of the garage-type doors.  He looked at me like I was mad... but he said yes.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring (again). Week 12 - 52

This little crocus sprouted up in the garden this week giving me hope... spring really is on its way.

I fell in love with Tammy's daffodil/prop/mirror picture this week so I couldn't resist buying myself some mini daffodils at the store yesterday.  Set against the sunny spring sky they made me smile.  It also made me realise I am turning into my mum (which is no bad thing) as she is obsessed with her daffodils.
And of course we set about dyeing eggs for Easter.  Charlotte had so much fun and I have to admit I kind of enjoyed it myself, especially the tie-dye ones.

Happy Spring everyone!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring. Week 12 - 52

It's cold outside.  There are still small piles of snow scattered around but it is the first day of spring and I am going to post a spring picture if it kills me. Seb started planting seeds for the vegetable garden and some of them started sprouting within days.  Looks like it will be a good year for cucumbers and squash.

I also just had to throw something colourful in here for spring.  Here are some pretty hyacinths that friends brought over to dinner last week.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Off Center. Week 11 - 52

Feels like my universe has been a little off center this week so this was a good theme to work on.  Right now my face is a little off center thanks to a fight with a brick step (brick won) in the pouring rain.  But I did learn two important lessons this week.  The first is don't run in the rain even if you are running late.  The second is that if you ever find yourself in the ER and the nurse asks "do you want plastics?" that she is referring to a plastic surgeon and your answer should be yes.  Unfortunately the surgeon only worked on the gash and didn't throw in any extra free work.  Shame.  Don't worry, I am fine but I've been milking this for all the attention I can possibly get and my friends have not let me down.  It's almost worth slipping in the rain.  Almost.  This is a little craft that Annabelle made at daycare.  She is ever so proud of it.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Play. Week 10 -52

I found it hard figuring out which theme I wanted to work on this week.  I spent so much time just "playing" with my camera that I didn't focus.  But I looked through some pictures and realized that playing was probably the theme of the week (and month... and year).  This picture was actually taken a couple of weeks ago at the Berkshire museum in Massachusetts.  They had an entire room dedicated to "child directed play" where they literally just filled up a room with cardboard boxes, egg cartons, tape, cling film (saran wrap), and all kinds of other non-toy toys.  It was awesome.  Some of the adults in our group might have had as much fun as the kids.  Here is Charlotte totally proud of the houses she built with her big-kid friends...

Sometimes playing just involves the simplest ideas.  This week both girls had so much fun building a lego tower with the goal of making it taller than themselves.  Yes, it did fall on her head seconds after I took the picture...

Play in our house involves a lots of arts and crafts.  The floor usually looks like this.
And just because I can't dedicate an entire post to just Charlotte... here is Annabelle playing peekaboo/peepo on our swingset outside.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A tree grows in Brooklyn

I enjoyed a girls night out in the city last night.  Then I stayed over at a friends house in Brooklyn.  A sensible person would have relished a morning sleeping late and not having to entertain toddlers.  But a camera obsessed fool, such as myself, decided that a walk around the neighbourhood, in spite of a headache, would obviously be the best possible way to spend a few kid-free hours.  This little tree grows right outside their front steps.  I love the hanging lantern.  

I headed over to the Barclays center and passed by the subway.  In the bright sunshine the train numbers looked so fun and colourful.

The architecture of the Barclays center was actually pretty unique and I loved the reflections in the glass panels of the main entrance

Of course nothing says New York City quite like the iron grates in the sidewalk, old chewing gum stains and a bit of trash... that just happened to have NYC printed on it.

This is a community garden that I passed.  I love the vibrant sign.  The garden itself looked pretty sad but hopefully things will turn around in the spring.

Brooklyn is full of contrasts... on one side of the street was this chain link fence with barbed wire and old plastic bags....

and across the street was the entrance to pretty brownstones.
A morning well spent!